Řešení pro
dřevozpracující průmysl

Dřevozpracující průmysl je jedním z nejvíce ohrožených průmyslových odvětví požáry. Dřevo je totiž hořlavý materiál, který se navíc snadno vznítí. Proto je důležité, aby podniky v tomto odvětví přijaly účinná opatření proti hoření.

Poptat řešení

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By agreeing to share data, you provide us with the information we need for improvement, analysis and marketing across these websites. You also agree to the transfer of data to third parties and outside the EU. We declare that the information provided by you is secured against misuse.

Privacy and cookie settings

By agreeing to share data, you provide us with the information we need for improvement, analysis and marketing across these websites. You also agree to the transfer of data to third parties and outside the EU. We declare that the information provided by you is secured against misuse.

Please let us know which data you allow us and our partners to process.

Technical data

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Websites need technical data to function properly. Without this data, it would be impossible, for example, to search, play a video or complete an order in the e-shop.